We need your help!

CIVIC-FIFO is a part of the CIVIC study, which invites people to complete a series of health-related questionnaires to help us understand the short- and long-term health implications of COVID-19 in the community.  CIVIC-FIFO is for the Fly In Fly Out (FIFO) workforce, and the communities in which they work.

You are invited to participate if you are 18 years or older and have been part of the Mineral Resources Limited’s Screening Program.

The decision to participate is your own.

Your employer and Mineral Resources will not know whether you have chosen to participate in the CIVIC-FIFO study.

If you choose to participate:

    • We will ask you to answer an online questionnaire
    • We will ask permission to contact you each time you are tested through the Mineral Resources Screening Program
    • If you should test positive, we will ask your permission to contact you every fortnight for the next few months

* includes the electronic consent and questionnaire

Want to know more?

All of these documents have been reviewed and approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee at Curtin University (#HRE2020-0180)

    • Participant Information – provides the details of the study and what’s involved in plain English
    • Consent – this form is at the beginning of the online survey

If you have any questions or would like more information contact the Curtin University CIVIC-FIFO Team at:

civic-fifo@curtin.edu.au or Free-call 1800 971 022 (choose Option 1, and quote ‘the CIVIC-FIFO study’).

CIVIC-FIFO is part of the WA COVID-19 Research Collaboration

Copyright © CCRE. All Rights Reserved
Centre for Clinical Research and Education
Address: School of Population Health, Curtin University, Bentley WA 6102